Cyco Cyclone 75ML
Cyco Cyclone 75ML
Cyclone Rooting Gel was rigorously tested by our retail customers before its global launch. As part of the Cyco Platinum Series, it’s a premium product designed for exceptional results.
Root Accelerator:
- Boosts root growth
- Easy to use
- Provides essential hormones for development
Active Ingredients:
- 0.17% Indole-3-Butyric Acid
- 99.83% Vitamins & Other Ingredients
- Total: 100.00%
Cyclone Rooting Gel was carefully developed and extensively tested over several years by our retail customers before its launch in the global market. Like all products in the Cyco Platinum Series, Cyclone is designed to be a premium solution that delivers exceptional results for our valued Cyco customers.
Root Accelerator
- Ideal for gardening enthusiasts
- Promotes enhanced root growth
- Easy to use
- Supplies essential hormones for root development and growth
Guaranteed Analysis of Cyclone Active Ingredient:
- 0.17% Indole-3-Butyric Acid
- 99.83% Also contains Vitamins & Other Ingredients
- Total: 100.00%
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